
Nutrition Counselor

Hannah currently lives in the beautiful city of Wake Forest, North Carolina. She loves to spend time with her family and friends, and has a wide array of interests including cooking and baking sourdough bread, reading and painting and calligraphy, playing guitar, piano, and violin, and biking, hiking, and working out. She loves trying and learning new things, which extends naturally into using her free time to further her health education.

Inspired by her mother’s knowledge of health and the body, Hannah decided to learn more herself about how we can use the amazing foods and resources God has given us to maintain and restore health. This unwavering interest carried her all the way to her studies at Trinity School of Natural Health, where she graduated as a Certified Health SpecialistCertified Natural Health Professional, and Certified Holistic Health Practitioner in 2019. She is fascinated about the way God has created our bodies, and how we can support and nourish them with natural remedies and foods. She has been privileged to help many others learn how they can make lifestyle changes to revive and revitalize their health naturally. One of her favorite phrases is 'food is medicine' – we can affect our immediate and long-term health dramatically by what we put into our mouths.

Since graduating she has been specifically researching nutrition as it relates to pregnancy and fertility; how women who are pregnant, or desire to be, can leverage nutrition to care for their body — before, during, and after pregnancy. Hannah focuses on helping women create healthy habits, small changes, that are transformative yet sustainable and feasible in a busy lifestyle. She wants you to know that your health goals are achievable!

Much like a childbirth class a a doula fill your labor “toolkit” with tips for a smooth delivery, Hannah gives you tips and tools to support fertility, a smooth pregnancy, and a postpartum period focused on a calm mental state, rest, more energy, and healing quickly.